Monday, September 20, 2010

The Grain Elevators of Summer

It's the grain elevators again today. This time after the sausage, eggs and western omellete are mopped up we are heading for Mexico Indiana. It's just up the road.We've been here before but it's been a good run so far painting these elevators. Logansport, Rich Valley and Mexico have a similar structures but each has variations that provide Tim and I a range of subject matter. More and more my paintings have become abstract and work within a limited range of color. Tim also seems to be following a similar path in the treatment of his landscapes.. I have limited my color range to turquoise,cobalt
blue, deep yellow, cad. red, and white. Tim has been working on a gray paper with strong primaries and secondaries...I don't know the names of his pastels as they are all in a box sort of mixed. 
The manager saw us and waved. We seem to be becoming a fixture this summer around these
grain elevators. I mix my color in a small lidded palette. Having the colors close together allows for a slowly changing range of similar mixed hues. The sky in this piece has a variety of fifteen different grays. Tim's work today was stronly geometric with strong color contrast. The summer is gone, the leaves are starting to change and we are already talking about working indoors for the winter. 
If you get a chance stop by philandtimpaint(indoors)Later.

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